5 Signs Your Loved Ones Are Near

Here are some signs that your deceased loved ones are around you:
1. You feel their presence: You may feel as if someone is in the room with you, even if you’re alone. You might feel a sudden rush of cold air, or a warm and comforting sensation that envelopes you.
2. You see signs: Your loved ones might send you signs through numbers, feathers, or coins. These signs are often repeated and can be very personal, reminding you of your loved one’s presence and love.
3. You smell their scent: Our sense of smell is strongly linked to memories and emotions. You might catch a whiff of your loved one’s perfume, aftershave, or cigarette smoke, even if there is no one else around.
4. You dream of them: Dreams are a powerful way for our loved ones to communicate with us. You might dream of your loved one and feel their presence in your dream. Sometimes, they may offer guidance or comfort, letting you know that they are okay.
5. You receive messages: Your loved ones might send you messages through mediums, such as psychics or spiritual advisors. These messages might offer reassurance or guidance, helping you to move forward with your life.
Remember that your deceased loved ones are always with you, even if you can’t see them. Trust your intuition and pay attention to the signs around you. They are always there, offering their love and support.